Sunday, October 30, 2011

Well hello.

If you're reading this, I assume you are either my friend, or found me accidentally. I have no plans on sharing this blog with anyone. Okay, maybe a handful of people but very very few.

This blog exists for a few reasons, all of which are personal, thus why I'm not sharing it.

Here, if you're wondering, are my reasons:

1.) Every year on my birthday I make New Year's resolutions. I checked my resolutions the other day and found that I am doing well on some and not so well on some others. I also found that I think I am doing okay on a few resolutions, but I haven't been keeping good track. I will use this blog to track my progress.
2.) I work and go to graduate school full time. I try to have a number of creative outlets for myself, to decompress from my long days. I'll use this blog to document some of those endeavors.
3.) My partner and I are trying to develop our 'dinner rotation'. By documenting here the food we eat, it will be easier to create our rotation. I'll try to do a "this week we're eating" post each week, with follow ups if necessary.

Some things to know - I make a LOT of food, but I won't share recipes just for the sake of sharing them. If I share recipes it's because they're awesome, not just because I wanted something to post. Same goes for any creative projects I share. I'm not going to post 101 Thanksgiving crafts or something like that. If those are the kinds of things you're looking for, I fear you're in the wrong place.

And with that, away we go.

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